*This chart only sets forth court imposed sanctions; separate and additional sanctions may also be imposed by the Department of Motor Vehicles.
(1)All convictions under Vehicle & Traffic Law section 1192 require the pay (1) ment of a Driver Responsibility Assessment to the Department of Motor Vehicles in the amount $250 per year for 3 years in addition to the mandatory fines set forth in this chart
(2)First alcohol or drug-related violation by a driver under the age of 21: 1 year revocation Second alcohol or drug-related violation by a driver under the age of 21: revocation until age 21 or 1 year, whichever is longer
(3)$255.00: State mandatory surcharges which are in addition to mandatory fines
(4)$395.00: State mandatory surcharges which are in addition to mandatory fines
(5)$520.00: State mandatory surcharges which are in addition to mandatory fines
Chemical Test Refusal Revocation: $500 civil penalty Chemical Test Refusal with prior refusal or alcohol-related violation within five years: $750 civil penalty, see VTL § 1194
Additional licensing penalties may arise if the prior offenses occurred within 4 years of the current offense
Victim Impact Program
Where court imposes a sentence for a violation of NY VTL § 1192, the court may require the driver to attend a single session of the Victim Impact Program; see NY VTL § 1193.
Drinking Driver Program
Administrative Fee: $75.00; Paid by driver when s/he enrolls in DDP; fee is non-refundable.
Agency Fee: $225 (approx. cost); This fee is paid to the agency that teaches the DDP course.
Evaluation/Assessment Fee: If driver is referred for additional alcohol evaluation or treatment, additional fees set by the mental health professional will also be incurred by the driver.
Re-Licensing Fee
If driver’s license is revoked as a result of an alcohol-related conviction, the driver must re-apply for a new license. When re-applying for a new license, the driver must include a $50 non-refundable re-application fee with his application.
As of September 22, 2003, if a driver license is suspended, the driver must pay a $35 termination of suspension fee to the court that suspended his or her license. The court may not lift the suspension of the driver license until that fee is paid.